Kurt Schmidt


Department of Computer Science
at Drexel University

Email: (the best way to get hold of me)
Office Hours:

If you're a student, and especially if you're asking me for a response of some type, email me from one of your Drexel accounts, or have the reply-to address be a Drexel account. Otherwise I have no way to authenticate identity.

NB — Full Sections, and Prerequisite Overrides

Do not email me. I do not have power over such things. If the section's full, it's because it's full. I believe CCI advisors are the keepers of the waiting lists. Talk to them.

There is a reason we list prerequisites. They are required. If you ask I added some text here me, then I'll recommend you take them. Petitions should be sent to the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee in the Department of Computer Science for consideration. Start with your advisor, or an advisor in CCI, such as Kate Cusimano .

Do not email me.

Courses I'm Currently Teaching

Other Courses I Teach

Courses I Haven't Taught in a While

Some Useful (Local) Info

Local Resources



Courses I've Taught in the Past

Why you should take notes by hand, rather than on the computer.

Other Thoughts on Learning

Some Links I Get a Kick Out Of